Maintenance Fee: On-Time

 Maintenance Fee: On-Time
Item Number:
Shipping Weight: 0lbs. 0oz.
Price: $175.00
Maintenance fees are due when the certification maintenance application is submitted, and they must be paid in full.

To be eligible to renew your Certified Web Analyst certification, you need to accumulate 40 professional development units every 3 years to maintain certification.

On-time renewal rates (within 3 months of certificate expiry):
Members: $75US
Non-Members: $175US

Late renewal rates (From 3 to 6 months after the expiration date):
Member $100US
Non-Member $200US

Fully expired rates
Individuals who have not filed a certification maintenance application within one year of the certification expiration date may gain certification by paying the current fee and passing the certification exam again.